What is the school schedule?

School starts at 4:00 and ends at 6:00.  We have an all school prayer time that starts at 4:00 and ends at 4:30.  After prayer time, the students are in class until 6:00.

When school is held on-line classes and T’filah utilize Zoom and follow this schedule:

How does drop off and pick up work?

Refer to emails for the most up-to-date policies. Typically there is a car line and students are guided in and out by teachers and admin.

My child has an IEP/504. Can they be accomodated?

Yes! We have a special education teacher on staff who can review accommodations and ensure your child’s needs are met in the classroom. Please describe your child’s accommodations and/or send a copy of your student’s IEP/504 with your registration.

How do I pay?

Families will pay their regular tuition rate at their respective synagogue.  Each synagogue will pay the Syracuse Community Hebrew School an amount that will be determined by the number of their students that are attending.  If you are unaffiliated with a synagogue, please contact the Administrative Director at schs.syracuse@gmail.com about payment.

Is transportation provided?

Not at this time. Please contact us if your family needs assistance coordinating drop off.